The Faculty of Law at the Babeş – Bolyai University hosted the first debate tournament organized by its Debate Club, in collaboration with ARDOR Transylvania, in April, between 25 and 28.  The competition gathered many valuable debaters from faculties around the country: Iaşi, Timişoara, Bucureşti, and Cluj-Napoca. 

Why should you attend the Salzburg Summer School on European Private Law?

In a legal society which is trying to remove juridical borders and harmonise legislation, it is crucial for a law student to acknowledge, to challenge, but above all, to understand surrounding realities, in his or her quest for the development of a juridical critical thinking. 

Starting with this issue of the magazine, will unveil some insights into the educational programmes of the law schools from Central and Eastern Europe, starting with the biggest six law schools in Romania. The article in this number is dedicated to law freshmen and future upper secondary school graduates who might consider a career in law. 

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