A network of universities working on Human Rights Law, including the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), the Montaigne Centre at Utrecht University, the Human Rights Centre of Ghent University, the Koç University Centre for Global Public Law, the Hertie School of Governance, the European Court of Human Rights and PluriCourts, co-organise a workshop on September 21, 2018 at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.


Challenges confront the European Court of Human Rights and its procedures, policies and judgments. Criticisms concern the Court’s backlog, its methods of interpretation, its deference to domestic actors – or its lack thereof. Reactions from states include willful partial compliance with judgments or even principled resistance. These challenges have appeared in many different shapes: not just as criticism from State Parties’ governments, but also from domestic courts, academics, civil society organizations and the media.


The event invites contributions addressing how the ECtHR may respond and does respond by varied means, including: criteria for case selection; Court’s reasoning; pilot judgments; dialogues with domestic judiciaries; margin of appreciation doctrine.

The organisers invite abstracts of  maximum 400-500 words together with a cover letter, in one single PDF document. The abstract should go beyond the standard conference abstract and include the key steps of the argument to be presented. The cover letter should include a one-paragraph CV and explain the context of  the paper: e.g. whether it  is  part of a PhD project, whether it is based on undertaken empirical research or part of ongoing research etc.


The deadline for submissions is on February 15, 2018.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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