Leiden University is announcing the 39th edition of the Telders International Moot Court Competition, which will be held between May 19-21, 2016. The 2016 Case is about a dispute concerning the interception of a vessel in the Vinous Sea Dispute. 

Leiden University is announcing the 39th edition of the Telders International Moot Court Competition, which will be held between May 19-21, 2016. The 2016 Case is about a dispute concerning the interception of a vessel in the Vinous Sea Dispute. Participants will be confronted with a vast set of legal questions, bringing together different areas of international law which are often studied separately, such as freedom of navigation under the law of the sea, non refoulement of forced migrants, state immunity, immunity of state officials, and jurisdiction over cases of torture. The intention of the authors was to offer participants an opportunity to reflect on the legal implications of contemporary events.

The competition stimulates the United Nations' most important legal organ, the International Court of Justice.


All European university students who are currently enrolled a bachelors or masters degree program are eligible to participate in a team.


Fill in the team registration form at the competition website. Please note that to ensure their participation to the competition, team members must pay the participation fee and email their Memorials to the Telders Organizing Office (TOO) by the relevant deadlines. 


Team registration is open until November 2, 2015. Memorials must be emailed to TOO by January 29, 2015. The competition will take place in Leiden University between May 19-21, 2016. For further details, please see the official timeline.

There is a minimum participation fee of 1250 EUR per team, which covers the organization costs of the Moot Court Competition as well as drinks, coffee/tea, dinners and lunches during the competition. 

For more information, please visit the official website.



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