Master Programme in Investment Treaty Arbitration - Uppsala University
The objective of the Master Programme in Investment Treaty Arbitration is to give students advanced and detailed knowledge of international arbitration concerning disputes between investors and host States. After successfully completing the programme, students shall have advanced and detailed knowledge of public international law and international investment treaty arbitration, as well as of relevant arbitral jurisprudence and legal doctrine.
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Single Diploma
Language: English
Number of Places/Students per year: not specified
Start Date: Autumn
Duration: 1 year
Price/Fee: For citizens of countries outside of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, tuition fees of SEK 100000 (EUR 10,643) are required.
Scholarships: Uppsala University awards a number of scholarships to fee-paying international students each year.
Accommodation: The Uppsala University Housing Office offers accommodation to all Fee Paying Master Students.
Application Process
Application to this LL.M is open to students with an undergraduate degree in law. Candidates must meet the entry requirements of Uppsala University, as explained in the International Tax Law and EU Tax Law Master.
Programme Structure (60 ECTS)
This programme covers 60 credits, 45 credits for course modules and 15 credits for a Master’s thesis:
• Module 1: The first module is a general introduction to international arbitration. This module covers all the basic principles and rules of international arbitration. The students will discuss and analyse, inter alia, the arbitration agreement, the appointment of arbitrators, procedural issues, applicable law and enforcement of arbitral awards.
• Module 2: The second module will focus on the protection of foreign investments under international law. This will be done on the basis of treaty law – i.e. bilateral and multilateral investment protection treaties – as well as customary international law. Key concepts such as expropriation, fair and equitable treatment, state responsibility and attribution will be addressed. Another important aspect of this module is treaty interpretation based on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
• Module 3: The third module will address pro¬cedural issues in connection with investment treaty arbitration. The focus will be on jurisdictional issues – e.g. the applicability of MFN clauses to procedural issues – confidentiality and transparency, immunity, and enforcement of investment awards.
• Master Thesis: The fourth module is the preparation of a thesis, the topic of which will be selected together with the course director.
Career Prospects: During the last decade we have seen an explosion of investment treaty arbitrations. With almost 3000 bilateral and two major multilateral investment ¬protection treaties, there is every reason to assume that this development will continue. This means there will be a growing demand for lawyers with in-depth knowledge of international investment law. Almost every kind of participant in international investment and trade will require lawyers with such knowledge, including law firms, government agencies, banks, corporation and NGOs. This Master’s programme, which is the first of its kind, is well positioned to fulfil this demand.
Programme Director: Professor Kaj Hobér
Mailing Address: Västra Ågatan 26, Uppsala, P.O. Box 512, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
Tel.: +46 18 471 20 07
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Malin Alm
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Tel.: +46 18 471 20 52
Lee Holmström
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Tel.: +46 18 471 28 56