The University of Milan is a public teaching and research university, which - with 8 faculties and 2 schools and a teaching staff of more than 2000 professors - is distinguished by its wide variety of disciplinary fields.
The two-year LL.M. Programme that aims to improve the legal skills necessary to better grasp the three interconnected dimensions (economic, social and environmental) of sustainable development. The degree is recognised by all the European countries and organisations adhering to the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. It allows students to obtain advanced interdisciplinary training and knowledge of local, international and transnational trends and strategies for sustainable development.
Location: Milan, Italy
Single/Double Diploma: Single
Language: English
Number of Places/Students per year: Not specified
Duration: 2 Years
Price/Fee: between 770 and 3665 euros per year, depending on personal income.
Scholarships: Available
Accommodation: Available
Application Process: Pre-application and application deadlines change yearly. Italian and foreign students are strongly recommended to submit their pre-application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the documents below.
1. Period of time: from 1st March 2019
2. Necessary Docs: Candidates are required to provide the following documents:
- Grades and credits
- Passport
- Statement of purpose
- Curriculum vitae et studiorum
- Two letters of recommendation from referees who can best evaluate the applicant’s capacity to attend the LL.M. programme (optional)
3. Additional docs for Non-EU/EEA: non-EU citizens resident abroad, who do not have an Italian residence permit, must also submit their formal pre-applications to the Italian Diplomatic competent Italian Embassy/Consulate is the authority responsible for accepting their pre-applications and checking if they meet the requirements for the Study Visa (generally from April to July)
Program Structure: The LL.M. Programme is a two-year Programme (120 ECTS). (60 ECTS): International Law and International Law on Sustainable Development, Economic Geography, Constitutionalism and Sustainable Development, Sociology, Economics and Economic Policy, World Economic History From Growth to Sustainable Development and the Role of Public Administration in Enhancing Equitable and Sustainable Development. These courses ensure that all enrolled students acquire a solid “common basis” to understand the complexity and the interdependencies of sustainable development. In the second year (60 ECTS), each student chooses to specialize in one of the following two streams:
“Human Rights and Social Development” or “Development Economics, Trade, Finance, Investment, Competition”. Students in both streams are required to attend 4 electives chosen from either of the streams’ course offerrings. A remaining total of 36 ECTS must be completed through other learning activities: an internship (21 ECTS), a final dissertation (6 ECTS), plus 9 ECTS chosen from the 6 or 9 ECTS exams ouered by the Law faculty and/or from the the 3 ECTS legal clinics and workshops ouered in both, first and second LL.M. year.
LLM Contact
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +39. 02. 50312023 / +39.02.50312117
By Özlem Nişancıoğlu