The summer’s heat may already be gone, but your family is here to heat things up again with a brand new issue of our publication: Issue 5.3!

We are delighted to have reached such a milestone, that we were able to publish insightful, engaging articles on a variety of topics, and grateful that you have been a part of the journey this whole time. And for the first time since in our history, we are bringing the content closer to you and more accessible by going directly to the online. So don't waste time and start browsing our website to discover the brand new content we just published!

An African proverb states that: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We have come a long way since our first issue in 2012 and we hope to reach new milestones with at least another 15 more issues, together with you. We want to thank you for your support and your articles, debates, and interviews, and, without further embellishments, let us have a peek at this issue’s content.

Our Domestic Focus section focuses on one hand on the problems arising from the Romanian forced heirship system that poses a risk to the adequate protection of property and on the other hand on drag along and tag along clauses that have gradually appeared in Romanian along with institutional investors. Both articles stimulate the discussion on the connections between domestic and international regulations.

As usual, the Reflections section prides itself with a vast diversity of topics. Starting with a careful analysis on pharmaceutical drug patents, an up-to-date article on the North-Korean missile crisis, continuing with the first part of a trilogy discussing the post-mortem stages and their legal implications and an article on the extensive influence of technology in legal practice. Last but certainly not least, for enthusiasts of Patrick Süskind’s book, an essay on the lack of intellectual property laws regarding perfume fragrances.

Internationally we focus on the fairness of consumer credit contracts in the EU, the powers of the European Commission to enforce competition law regulations which are evaluated from a human rights perspective and we finish with a case study of the European Court of Human Rights view on life sentences.

The Professional Spotlight is shone upon Dr. Andrew J. M. Steven from the Edinburgh Law School, Attila Tanka from the Court of Appeal in Târgu Mureș, and Gabriella Schittek and Andrea Beccalli from ICANN – The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. As you can see, the interviews cover quite different professional viewpoints thus giving you the possibility to better understand the dynamics of these professions and maybe even spark an interest in pursuing these fields. We also get a bonus interview in the Blog section by our editors about the European Law Moot Court Competition, with the team that represented the Babes-Bolyai University in 2018. 

This year’s internet use was plagued for us all by the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR. Fittingly, in our Question of the issue article, which is published in the Blog section, we set out to ask our readers what their opinion is regarding this European Regulation.

Finally, the debate section of our 15th issue discusses a concept already seen in certain television series and is already being tested in China: a social credit system. Adrian Lazarec and Cătălin Pop discuss how this system would work, whether or not it would be wise for the European Union to adopt it, and the societal impact such a system could bring.

Hopefully I have awoken your curiosity to read our newest issue front to back and that all these great articles will inspire you to work on your own ideas, put pen to paper, and with a little timing we would be happy to feature your paper in our next issue. A big ‘Thank you’ for everyone that contributed to this issue and keep on reading!

The Editorial Team 


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