While most of us, students, might still be dreaming about summer, there is very little time to get nostalgic, as a new academic year has just started. Lawyr.it has been part of your academic journey every year since its founding and this time is no different. As usual, we bring out our autumn edition, the 12th issue of Lawyr.it, just on time to make sure that switching from holiday mood to studying is done in a smooth and fun way. 

Because this season is excellent for making plans for the new academic year, our well-known section of Briefing comes packed with opportunities. From conferences and winter schools to internships, there are plenty of choices no matter the area of your interest.  Furthermore, if you are passionate about legal writing and you are also interested in the Brexit subject, there is an open call on this matter organised by Durham European Law Institute and Global Justice Durham. 

Our Domestic Focus section features an article focused on the Romanian civil procedure, presenting some particularities and interesting facts about the acts of disposition of the parties. The problems outlined in this article are of interest not only to students, but also to practitioners, as the subject is still surrounded by controversy. 

We have included, in the International Focus section, an article that highlights some issues regarding children asylum seekers in Greece, by making a thorough presentation of the international standards that should be applied in such circumstances. The article focuses, as well, on the situation of unaccompanied migrant children who are living in detention in Greece and offers some possible solutions to it. For the contract law enthusiasts and not only, the other article from our International Focus section deals with the issue of recovering legal costs under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. 

You can also read, in our Reflections section, two articles: the first one aims to present the impact of legislation and case law on the process of implementing EU Law, giving some relevant examples for the Romanian system, while the other one concentrates on the compatibility between the values of the EU and the ones promoted by the current leadership of Turkey. 

In addition, our 12th issue covers in depth probably the most discussed subject of summer – the Brexit, through a report about the possible consequences of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, as well as through the debate from the Devil’s Advocate section, which explores the pros and cons of considering referenda viable as democratic vehicles in our century. 

Last but not least, you can find out what students have answered to this edition’s Question of the Issue, namely "What is the most stereotypical saying you have heard about studying/practicing law that is completely untrue and how would you address it?"

As we are marching towards the fourth year of Lawyr.it, we would like to kindly thank our readers and supporters for contributing to the growth of our project! 

Moreover, we are happy to announce that we will expand our team soon, as we are launching an open call for the positions of editors, legal researchers, and PR managers. Therefore, we invite law students to submit their applications containing a CV and a letter of intent at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by October 31, 2016. See more details and a full description of the positions here.

Finally, we would like to wish you a great academic year, with lots of daring goals and many accomplishments! Enjoy the read and happy Lawyring! 



Read the latest issue here.




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