As a source of unlimited fascination due to its topics, forensic science has a significant place in the legal system of every country in the world and an irreplaceable influence upon criminal investigations. This study is designed according to a twin approach in view: a scientific approach towards the characteristics of handwriting on the one hand, and a practical view centred on the graphic elements – which are subjects to graphoscopic examination – on the other. The main points of interest to be discussed in the following article are: the difference between graphology and graphoscopy; the scientific basis of identifying an individual based on his handwriting; the handwriting’s individuality, relative stability, reactivity and naturalness, along with its general and special features; and also the means of falsification. 

The matter that I am going to analyse is not only interesting, captivating and omnipresent; it is also delicate and full of controversy. The aim of this article is to establish and clear a bit some aspects of the foggy situation regarding the following question: does the Islamic religion represent a drawback for Turkey’s accession to the EU, or not?

Religion and law are the two big pillars that guide humanity. In some states, law has the upper hand, but in others, religion is seen as the way life should be lived (e.g. Iran). Either way, it is obvious that the two of them are influencing one another. In the following paragraphs, I will try to explain from my personal view, if, how, where and why Turkey’s religion tends to accelerate the accession to the EU, or to make Turkey’s dream fade away by promoting undemocratic values. 

In this article, we try to see how, relating to maybe the one of the most eye-catching ongoing war, the one fought in the Donbass region of Ukraine (also called the War in Ukraine or War in Eastern Ukraine), the parts of the war, Russia and of course Ukraine each justified their reasons of entering and continuing the conflict. The reason for this approach does not have any political aspect or message, the viable reason of our analysis is the proximity of the authors to the conflict and the easy access to an extended bibliography. We will watch closely how their reasoning of engaging into this war relate and match to a philosophical, international, and an Eastern European (more specifically, Romanian, the reasons being the originating country of the authors and the second one being the vicinity the country has with the conflict) view of a just war. Additionally, we will try as objectively as possible to compare those reasons to a benchmark of just motives to go and continue a war which we have analysed. Moreover, we will try to emphasize also the adjacent problems and implications this comparison might predict for the future.

A drop in the ocean is believed not to make a difference, but what is an ocean but a multitude of drops? This generic idea can be seen as the base and also the ideal of the European legislative construction which is regarded as an amalgam of regulations and decisions which provide a common base for the states to function properly and to create therefore an environment with a beneficial effect on the evolution of the states and its citizens.

European law is much more than a conglomerate of dispositions which provides states with concrete rules. These dispositions should be regarded as guidelines which shape the modern society in order to provide balance. This organism functions extremely complexly because these different types of documents which establish provisions have a various nature which permits them to have a rather unique effect on national legislative order.

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