This paper deals with the characteristics of the term sovereignty as well as state power. Its aim is to find out whether the sovereign position of the states is changed in terms of an era of globalization. We can demonstrate this by answering the question whether the Slovak Republic lost its sovereignty when accessing the European Union. In this paper, the accession of the Slovak Republic into the European Union and the transmission of part of its sovereignty are also mentioned briefly. The reader can find the definition of sovereignty within the interpretation of the Constitutional Court of Czech Republic, and the possibility for Member States to withdraw from the European Union. Last but not least, the article is finished with the cogitation about the power position of nation states. 

The idea of just war, which even denied the admissibility of a military attack as a way to resolve disputes at all, derives from the earliest times of humanity and both are nearly as old as the war itself. Not to mention the famous words from ‘The Book of Isaiah’ about beating the swords into ploughshares, a great deal of doctrines, most of them similar, appeared throughout the ages. One of them was the one introduced by a fifteenth century Polish scholar, Stanislas of Scarbimiria, in his ‘Sermon on just wars’. This first codification of a body of public international law based on a professional scientific research, objectively deals with a great deal of problems regarding the justified declaring war and of wartime conduct. Both in his way of writing and his approach to examined matters, Stanislas seemed to be much closer to the modern points of view on the law of war, unlike his contemporaries. 


Some immediate observations about the digital environment around us are its distinctive net-shaped nature and its ever-increasing potential in terms of efficiency. Both these features, albeit true, might lead to hasty statements concerning the effects of the digital world on legal regulations. The impact of the Internet is taken into consideration in almost every field of research and production, but a full analysis of its consequences is, in fact, hardly ever provided.

Ever since its occurrence, drug testing on human beings has been considered a “grey” ethical area. Self-evidently, for the benefit and progress of medical science, new drugs have to be tested thoroughly, so their results can be determined and their counter-effects may be minimised. 

These tests need to be performed on individuals, since they will be the recipients of the drugs and medicaments. However, clinical trials on humans still remain an attack on dignity, taking into account that individuals are used as objects, or, at least, as means to a certain extent, while modern legal systems rely heavily on the common acceptance that any person is a subject of rights.

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