The main aim of this analysis is to clarify the content of the term lex mercatoria, what was its way of development and to briefly describe the general attitude of the courts (as authorities of law enforcement) towards it. It is important to know the history and the reason for the creation of lex mercatoria, the later codification, and also its place in the legal world. Furthermore, it is essential to analyse the purpose of the International Court of Arbitration, which plays a significant role in the use of merchant law nowadays and, at last, to discover how important the merchant law is today.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

As the field of human rights develops, wideness and increases in importance, it influences and also it intertwines with the corporations and business world. Therefore, the concept of corporate social responsibility has developed. We shall start by defining this term.

The method for selecting members of the bench by judicial elections may seem unfounded and unnecessary compared to the European practices, but it bears paramount significance in the United States, as almost 90 percent of all state judges face voters at least once during their career (Streb, 2007, p. 7). Although the debate between advocates and opponents of the judicial elections emphasises the constitutional and financial approaches, the aim of this essay is to fathom the effect of the elective methods on the criminal justice system. After analysing the origins and the different methods of these elections, the following parts focus on the effects on the severity of the sentences and the appellate decisions.

It is common knowledge that in our national field regarding cyberspace, the harmonisation of laws concerning The Domain Name System represents a serious issue, as there is a lack of effectiveness in what concerns the legislation ought to protect intellectual property. 

A slight glimpse back to the origins of the internet depicts a common use of the internet – communication. Although the purpose was different (easy communication as a way to protect from Russian threats), the main reason represents the need of facilitating sending and receiving information.

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