
Bilateral investment treaty [Ro.: tratat bilateral de investiții, Fr.: traité bilatéral d’investissement, Gr.: διμερείς επενδυτικές συμφωνίες, Alb.: Marrëveshje bilaterale (dypalëshe) për Investim] (See also: foreign direct investment, ICSID, international investment law, investmnent arbitration, U.S. model BIT) = an agreement concluded between two states for the purpose of promoting, protecting and establishing the conditions for direct investments made by national citizens and companies of one state in the other state.

Intra-EU ~ ( Ro.: ~ intra-UE, Fr.: ~ intra-UE) (See also: distribution of competences in the EU) =  a bilateral investment treaty between one member state of the EU and another state which subsequently became a member of the EU or between two states which afterwards became member states of the EU.

Useful links

Legislation – Law No. 590/2003 on treaties. [Romanian] - Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties [English]

See also: different bilateral investment treaties, e.g.: - Bilateral investment treaty between UK and Cuba [English] - Bilateral investment treaty between Germany and Pakistan (the world’s first bilateral investment treaty) [English]

Organisations and associations  -  International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes - The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Online Publications - Gaukrodger, D., 2016, The legal framework applicable to joint interpretive agreements of investment treaties, OECD Working Papers on International Investment, No. 2016/01, OECD Publishing, Paris [English] - Juillard, P., 2001, Bilateral investment treaties in the context of investment law [English] -  Jandhyala, S., Nikolov, P, Weiner, R., Bilateral Investment Treaties and Foreign Investments, Presentation Slides [English]


Carreau, D., Juillard, P., 2013,  Droit international économique, 5th edition, Dalloz [French]

Collins, D., 2016, An Introduction to International Investment Law, Cambridge University Press [English]

Dolzer, R., Schreuer, C., 2012, Principles of International Investment Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press [English]

Schefer, K. N., 2016, International Investment Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 2nd edition, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd [English]

By Alin-Ionuț Badea