
Bail-in [Ro.: bail-in/recapitalizare internă; Fr.: bail-in/ renflouement interne; Gr.: διάσωση με ίδια μέσα] (see also: bank recovery and resolution; recapitalisation mechanisms; „too big to fail” banks; The Cyprus Experiment; bailout) = a financial practice aimed at rescuing a financial institution by imposing to its creditors and depositors to take a loss on their holdings or to have them transformed in shares. The practice emerged in 2010s, after the global financial crisis, to make bondholders participate in the process of rescuing financial institutions, after government bailouts.

Useful links

Online Publications

Conlon, Thomas and Cotter, John, Anatomy of a Bail-In (March 26, 2014). Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 15, 2014. Available at SSRN:  [English]

Faia, Ester and Weder, Beatrice, Cross-Border Resolution of Global Banks (March 1, 2015). SAFE Working Paper No. 88. Available at SSRN:  [English]

Joosen, Bart, Bail in Mechanisms in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (October 19, 2014). Available at SSRN:  [English]

Micossi, Stefano and Bruzzone, Ginevra and Cassella, Miriam, Bail-In Provisions in State Aid and Resolution Procedures: Are They Consistent with Systemic Stability? (May 21, 2014). CEPS Policy Briefs No. 318. Available at SSRN:   [English]

Zenios, Stavros A., Fairness and Reflexivity in the Cyprus Bail-In (August 1, 2015). Empirica, J. of European Economics, Published on line 4. Sept. 2015; The Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper No. 14-04. Available at SSRN:  [English]


Alexander K., 2017, Bail-in: a regulatory critique, C.R. & I. 2017, 10(1), 9-10 [English]

Arora, A., 2014, Banking Law, Pearson [English]Chiyedza

Chiyedza Maguze, T., 2016, EU bank recapitalisation and the bail-in option: an analysis of the effects of mandatory bail-in on creditors' property rights, UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence [English

Heffernan, S., 2005, Modern Banking, John Wiley & Sons [English] Kotta Kyriakou, T, 2017, Is the era of "too big to fail" over? A critical assessment of resolution tools for systemically important financial institutions, F.R.I. 2017, Mar, 13-16 [English]

Kotta Kyriakou, T, 2017, Is the era of "too big to fail" over? A critical assessment of resolution tools for systemically important financial institutions, F.R.I. 2017, Mar, 13-16 [English]

Lehmann M, 2017, Bail-in and private international law: how to make bank resolution measures effective across borders, International & Comparative Law Quarterly [English]Loosveld S., 2017, Public funding and recapitalisation of banks in difficulty in the Eurozone: who's who?, J.I.B.L.R. 2017, 32(3), 108-112 [English]

Loosveld S., 2017, Public funding and recapitalisation of banks in difficulty in the Eurozone: who's who?, J.I.B.L.R. 2017, 32(3), 108-112 [English]Lucchini S., Moscianese J., de Angelis I., Di Benedetto F., 2017, State aid and the banking system in the financial crisis: from bail-out to bail-in, J.E.C.L. & Pract. 2017, 8(2), 88-98 [English]

Lucchini S., Moscianese J., de Angelis I., Di Benedetto F., 2017, State aid and the banking system in the financial crisis: from bail-out to bail-in, J.E.C.L. & Pract. 2017, 8(2), 88-98 [English]Michaelides, A., Orphanides, A., 2016, The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy Lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis [English]        

Michaelides, A., Orphanides, A., 2016, The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy Lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis [English]        Roubini, N., Setser, B., 2004, Bailouts Or Bail-Ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies [English]

Roubini, N., Setser, B., 2004, Bailouts Or Bail-Ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies [English]

By Alin-Ionuț Badea