Bailout [Ro.: bailout/recapitalizare, Fr.: bailout/renflouement; Gr.: διάσωση] (see also: bank recovery and resolution; recapitalisation mechanisms; Monte dei Paschi; bail-in) = a measure taken with the aim of the recapitalisation of a financial institution from an external source, which can take the form of loans, bonds, stocks or cash.
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Online Publications
De Bonis, Riccardo and Giustiniani, Alessandro and Gomel, Giorgio, Crises and Bail-outs of Banks and Countries: Interconnections, Analogies, Differences (1998). FEEM Working Paper REG 40.98. Available at SSRN: [English]
Dow, James and Han, Jungsuk, Should We Commit to Bailing Out? (September 25, 2016). Swedish House of Finance Research Paper No. 14-12. Available at SSRN: [English]
Gropp, Reint and Hakenes, Hendrik and Schnabel, Isabel, Competition, Risk-Shifting, and Public Bail-Out Policies (June 17, 2009). Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming; European Business School Research Paper No. 09-13. Available at SSRN: [English]
Hakenes, Hendrik and Schnabel, Isabel, Banks without Parachutes - Competitive Effects of Government Bail-out Policies (November 2004). MPI Collective Goods Research Paper No. 2004/12. Available at SSRN: [English]
Nijskens, Rob and Eijffinger, Sylvester C. W., The Lender of Last Resort: Liquidity Provision versus the Possibility of Bail-Out (February 5, 2010). European Banking Center Discussion Paper No. 2010-02. Available at SSRN: [English]
Arora, A., 2014, Banking Law, Pearson [English]
Heffernan, S., 2005, Modern Banking, John Wiley & Sons [English]
Michaelides, A., Orphanides, A., 2016, The Cyprus Bail-in: Policy Lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis [English]
Roubini, N., Setser, B., 2004, Bailouts Or Bail-Ins?: Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Economies [English]
Andrew Antony, W., Guard, J., 2009, Bankruptcies and Bailouts, Fernwood Publications [English]