
State-Owned Enterprise[Ro.: întreprindere de stat; Fr.: entreprise d'État] (see also: SOE; government-sponsored enterprises; business organisations; OECD Guidelines; corporate governance) – an entity taking part in commercial activities that is owned wholly or partially by a government and that represents a separate legal entity from the government. 

Useful links


Online Publications

OECD, Managing Risk in the State-Owned Enterprise Sector in Asia, available at [English]

PwC, State-Owned Enterprises Catalysts for public value creation?, available at [English]

Korin Kane, Size and Sectorial Distribution of State-Owned Enterprises, available at [English]

Przemyslaw Kowalski et al., State-Owned Enterprises: Trade Effects and Policy Implications, available at [English]

Grzegorz Kwiatkowski, State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy – Analysis Based on Fortune Global 500 List, available at [English]


William Allen, Reiner Kraakman, Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organizations, Wolter Kluwer, 2016 [English]

James Cox, Thomas Hazen, Business Organizations Law, West Academic Publishing, 2016 [English]

Alan Dignam, John Lowry, Company Law, OUP, 2018 [English]

Sarah Worthington, Sealy & Worthington's Text, Cases, and Materials in Company Law, OUP, 2016 [English]

David Victor et al., Oil and Governance: State-Owned Enterprises and the World Energy Supply, Cambridge, 2014 [English]

By Alin-Ionuț Badea