Hell or high water clause (Ro.: clauză de impreviziune, Fr.: clause 'advienne que pourra', n.f., Cz.: doložka neumožňující výjimku z vyšší moci) (See also: force majeure, hardship clause, lease) = a clause inserted in a contract, usually a lease contract, that forces one of the parties to perform their obligation, no matter the difficulties they encounter, making the contract non-cancelable in the case of impossibility as a legal factor.
Useful links
Legislation - Key issues raised by the preparation of a model law on leasing, Unidroit
Organisations and associations - Tucker, Darren S., Yingling, Kevin L., 2009, Antitrust Risk-Shifting Provisions in Merger Agreements after the Financial Collapse, American Bar Association (USA)
Online Publications - Graynor, Barry A., 1999, Are hell or high water clauses and waiver of defense clauses enforceable?, Business Law News - Graynor, Barry A., 2003, Hell or high water clauses: make them work for you, Business Law News - Alper, Andrew K., 2008, Hell or High Water Clause Comes under Attack, Monitor Daily – Zik, Zohar, 2010, UK: Has the 'Hell or High Water' Clause Lost its Appeal?, Mondaq – Dusch, Raymond W., Frohman, Marc L., 2007, Are 'Hell or High Water' and 'Waiver of Defenses' Clauses Enforceable in Contracts for Future Services?, LJN's Equipment Leasing Newsletter – Winter, Charlotte, Berwick, Claire, 2012, 'Hell and high water' provisions - has the storm abated?, Lexology – Breslauer, Peter, 1992, Finance Lease Hell or High Water Clause and Third Party Beneficiary Theory in Article 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code, Cornell Law Review – 2013, 'Hell or high water clause': contractual estoppel argument prevails in airline battle, Legal Week Law - Zucker, Scott I., 1996, High or Hell Water Clauses: Understanding Equipment Finance Leases - Weinberg, Ken, 2007, Attempting to avoid the Hell or High Water Clause by alleging Fraudulent Inducement, Baker Donelson
Brunner, Christoph, 2009, Force Majeure and Hardship Under General Contract Principles: Exemption for Non-performance in International Arbitration, The Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, p. 119
Hoffman, Scott L., 2007, The Law and Business of International Project Finance: A Resource for Governments, Sponsors, Lawyers, and Project Participants, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, p.118
Kravitt, Jason H.P., Brown, Mayer LLP, 2013, Securitization of financial assets, 3rd ed., New York, Wolters Kluwer, p. 199
By Ana Pintea