Angel Investor (Ro.: Investitor privat, Gr.: επιχειρηματικοί άγγελοι, Cz.: andělský investor) (See also: business angel, business law, investment, Due Diligence, risk, entrepreneurship, equity) = An individual (or a group) who provide financing capital for new (start-ups) or emerging businesses, in order to multiply his/her investment in a predefined amount of time (usually up to 5 years), often accompanied by advisement of that company.
When making an investment, angel investors take into consideration criteria such as the size of the deal, the stage of the company, the potential of the market and the industry in which that particular business operates and the magnitude of the risks and returns.
~ investment returns (Ro.: rezultatul investiției, Gr.: απόδοση επενδύσεων) = the results of angel investor’s investments at exit, which can be materialised in capital gain, assets, shares, bonds or equity.
~ investing group (Ro.: grup de investiții, Gr.: όμιλος επενδυτών) = two or more angel investors who decide to make investments together and share the returns, according to a commonly agreed strategy.
Useful links
Benjamin, G. A., Margulis, J. B., 2001, The Angel Investor's Handbook: How to Profit from Early-Stage Investing, Wiley
Peters, B., 2009, Early exits: Exit strategies for Entrepreneurs and Angel Investors, MeteorBytes Data Management Corp, Canada
Robinson, R. J., Van Osnabrugge, M., 2000, Angel Investing: Matching Startup Funds with Startup Companies - The Guide for Entrepreneurs and Individual Investors, John Wiley & Sons
Shane, S., 2008, Fool's Gold? The Truth Behind Angel Investing in America, Oxford University Press
iMinds, 2009, Angel Investors: Politics, Law and Business, iMinds Pty Limited
Online publications - OECD, 2011, Financing High-Growth Firms: The role of Angel Investors, OECD Publishing - Prive, T., 2013, Angel Investors: How the rich invest, Forbes Magazine - Kerr, W. R., Lerner, J., Schoar, A., 2010, The Consequences of Entrepreneurial Finance: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis, Harvard Business School – Peavler, R., What are Angel Investors? Can Angel Investors Help Your Small Business? – Berry, T., 2011, Getting Financing for Your Startup: Types of Investors, Palo Alto Software – 2012, Business Angel Investing - A Guide to the Legal, Tax & Regulatory Issues – Cauea, C., 2013, Interviu: Peter Barta explică ce înseamnă o finanțare “business angel” pas cu pas, Business24 – Angel Investors
Practical use - List of Angel Investors and related articles – Tips for Angel Investors – Tips for Angel Investors