
Estoppel (RO.: interdicţia pentru o autoritate publică sau juridică de a se contrazice în ceea ce priveşte declaraţiile anterioare, în detrimentul părţilor, Gr.: δεδικασμένο, Cz.: sjednocovací stanovisko) (See also: affirmative defense, entrapment, res judicata) = a legal principle that prevents a public or juridical authority from making statements which are contrary to the already established truth.

cause of action ~ (Ro.: autoritate de lucru judecat în ceea ce priveşte cauza acţiunii) = a form of judicial estoppel in which the judgments pronounced in previous legal proceedings prevent the parties from litigating the same causes of action.

issue ~ (Ro.: autoritate de lucru judecat cu privire la obiectul acţiunii) = a form of estoppel by record, in which the previously pronounced judgments prevent the parties from litigating the same issues.

promissory ~ (Ro.: inadmisibilitate a probelor împotriva declaraţiilor anterioare ale unei persoane, Gr.: κεκτημένο δικαίωμα από σύμβαση) = in British law and in contract law, this concept prevents one party from breaking a promise made to another party, thus denying the existence of the contract. 

proprietary ~ (Ro.: inadmisibilitate a probelor împotriva declaraţiilor anterioare ale unei persoane în ceea ce priveşte dreptul de proprietate, Gr.: κεκτημένο δικαίωμα που αφορά στα ακίνητα) = this concept does not apply in American law, it mainly concerns real property rights.


Useful links


Romanian Code of Civil Procedure, Art. 430, 431, 432- Estoppel

Articles 321-334 of the Greek Civil Procedure Code [Greek]

Case law

ALBANIA ECtHR- Case of Gjonbocari and others v. Albania, 2007

ROMANIA ECtHR- Case of Brumărescu v. Romania, 1999 ECtHR- Case of Brumărescu v. Romania, 2001

RUSSIA{"itemid":["001-91222"]} ECtHR- Case of Sergey Zolothukin v. Russia, 2009

SWEDEN{"itemid":["001-60627"]} ECtHR- Case of Vastberga Taxi Aktiebolag and Vulic v. Sweden, 2002{"itemid":["001-60628"]} ECtHR- Case of Janosevic v. Sweden, 2002

Online articles Campbell, J., Howard, C.,  Judicial Estoppel Silver, S., California Law on Judicial Estoppel - Promissory Estoppel

Publications Spence, M., 1997, Australian Estoppel and the Protection of Reliance, Journal of Contract Law, no. 11. – Kinsella, S., Estoppel: a new justification for individual rights, Reason Papers, no. 17, Texas.


By Oana Gligan