Entrapment (Ro.: provocare, instigare săvârşită de un organ de urmărire penală, Gr.: παγίδευση, Cz.: návod ke spáchání trestného činu) (See also: affirmative defense, estoppel, sting operation) = (in criminal law) the act of government agents or law officials of encouraging a person to commit a crime he or she would not have committed otherwise. If proved, it can stand as a defense pleading to a criminal prosecution (like in bribery, sex offenses, gambling, and illegal sale of narcotics).
The most important element in determining entrapment is to establish whether the accused had the criminal idea before the official induced it.
~ by estoppel (apărare a acuzatului construită pe baza instigării de către organul de urmărire penală) = defense available to an individual who proves that a government or law official actively misled him or her to commit the crimes he or she is charged with, by adopting a certain reprehensible course of conduct
Useful links
Legislation - Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure - Romanian Law for the Prevention, Discovery and Sanctioning of the Acts of Corruption, no. 78/2000, Art. 26 ind. 1
Case law
ROMANIA ECtHR - Case of Constantin and Stoian v. Romania, 2009 ECtHR - Case of Bulfinsky v. Romania, 2011
UNITED KINGDOM - the Regina v. Loosely Case, 2001 - the Regina v. Amanda Hardy Byrne Case, 2003
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - the United States v. Russell Case, 1973 - the Hampton v. United States Case, 1976
Online articles - Brad, C., Abuse of process in the pre-trial stage - Entrapment - Marcus, Paul, The Development of Entrapment Law – Valentine, Paul W., To Catch an Entrapper: The Inadequacy of the Entrapment Defense Globally and the Need to Reevaluate Our Current Legal Rubric
Martin, Francisco Forrest, Schnably, Stephen J., Wilson, Richard J., Simon, Jonathan S., Tushnet, Mark V., 2006, International Human Rights & Humanitarian Law. Treaties, Cases, & Analysis, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. 563
Mateuț, G., 2012, Tratat de procedură penală. Partea generală, vol. II, București: C.H. Beck, p. 86-88
Bosly H.-D., Vandermeersch D., 2001, Droit de la procédure pénale, 2nd ed., Brugge: La Charte, p. 921
Nauw, A. de, 1991, Les règles d’exclusion relatives à la preuve en procédure pénale belge, Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie, p. 712-714
Bosly, H.-D., 1988, D’une procédure unilatérale vers une procédure contradictoire. Mélanges offerts à R. Legros, p. 122-123
Valkeneer, C. de, 1991, Le droit de la police: la loi, l’institution et la société, Bruxelles: De Boeck, p. 135-162
Valkeneer, C. de, 2000, La tromperie dans l’administration de la preuve pénale, Bruxelles: Larcier, p. 266-297
Desportes F., Lazerges-Cousquer L., 2009, Traité de proceduré pénale, Paris: Economica, p. 382-383
By Oana Gligan