
Nuisance (Ro.: daune/ prejudicii aduse vecinătăţii sau împrejurimilor, De.: ~e Immissionen (pl.), Fr.: nuisance, n.f., Cz.: nepřípustné zasahování, Cr.: smetnja) (See also: damages, injunction, injurious interference) = an unlawful act or practice which interferes with another individual’s rights or interests, and which can cause offence, inconvenience or injury. 

Public ~ (Ro.: tulburarea liniştii şi a ordinii publice, De.: ~e Störung des öffentlichen Friendens/ ~e Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung, Fr.: nuisance publique, n.f.) = refers to the situation when a person unreasonably interferes with a right that the general public shares in common.

Private ~ (Ro.: tulburarea vecinătăţii/ liniştii şi a ordinii private, De.: ~e Besitzstörung (bezüglich des Besitzes an Liegenschaften, Fr.: nuisance privée, n.f.) = the interference with a person’s enjoyments and use of his land, or of some right connected to it, without an actual trespass.

Statutory ~ (Ro.: reglementări privind protecţia mediului, De.: ~e naturschutzrechtlichen Bestimmungen (pl.), Fr.: nuisance créée par la loi/ compatible avec les règlements, n.f.) = a branch of environmental law regulating air pollution and unacceptably loud noise, in order to achieve environmental health protection.


Useful links

Legislation - Romanian Civil Code [Romanian] - Romanian Civil Code [Romanian] - Private Rights of Action under 14 C.F.R. Part 150 Noise-Compatibility Plans, USA [English] - Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993, UK [English]

Case law - Rylands v. Fletcher, House of Lords, L.R. 3 H.L. 330, 1868, UK - Sturges v. Bridgman, 11 Ch D 852 Court of Appeal, 1879, UK - The Tort of Nuisance, UK - Citizens Against Airport Pollution v. City of San Jose, Superior Court of the State of California, 1997, USA - City of Alameda v. Port of Oakland, Superior Court of the State of California, 1998, USA - National Resources Defense Council et al. v. Baltimore-Washington International Airport, United States District Court for the District of Maryland, 1998, USA - Grand Canyon Trust v. Federal Aviation Administration, 2002, USA

Organisations and associations - Simplification of Criminal Law: Public Nuisance and Outraging Public Decency, The Law Commission (UK)

Online Publications - Public Nuisance, In Brief - Feirick, Jeff, 2000, Pennsylvania Nuisance Law, The Pennsylvania State University - Lin, Albert C., 2012, Public Trust and Public Nuisance: Common Law Peas in a Pod?, University of California - Hylton, Keith N., 2008, The Economics of Public Nuisance Law and the New Enforcement Actions, Boston University School of Law


Law Commission, 2010, Simplification of Criminal Law: Public Nuisance and Outraging Public Decency, UK, The Stationery Office

McCracken, Robert, Jones, Gregory, Pereira, James, 2012, Statutory Nuisance, 3rd edition, UK, Bloomsbury Professional

Elliott, Catherine, Quinn, Frances, 2007, Tort Law, Essex, Pearson Longman

Harpwood, Vivienne, 2003, Modern Tort Law, 5th edition, London, Cavendish Publishing


By Ruxandra Popescu