
Bail hearing (Ro: eliberare pe cautiune, Fr: Mise en liberté sous caution, n.f., Gr.: απελευθέρωση κατηγορουμένου με επιβολή περιοριστικών όρων / εγγύησης, Cz.: jednání o propuštění z vazby) (See also: bail, pledge, probation officer, guaranty, custody, court) = judicial proceeding which aims to determine if a suspect can be released from the custody before the trial. The defendant is required to guarantee that he/she will return to a trial, by depositing an amount of or by a pledge of property. If the defendant does not miss any court dates, he/she gets a refund. In particular social situations, the judge might set a lower bail or grant own-recognizance release. 

Legislation - U.S. Code - Release or detention of a defendant pending trial (Title 18, Part II, Chapter 207 § 3142) [English] - Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Title I, Chapter 17 [English] - California Penal Code, Section 1268 – 1276.5 [English] - New South Wales Bail Act 2013 [English]

Case Law - United States Supreme Court, Stack v. Boyle, 1951 - Federal Court of Australia, Dunstan v. Director of Public Prosecution, 1999 - Supreme Court of Victoria (Australia), Mokbel v. DPP, 2002 - Free State High Court, Bloemfontein (Republic of South Africa), Keevy v. S, 2013 - Constitutional Court of Romania, Ruling no. 712/December 4, 2014 [The Constitutional Court of Romania declared unconstitutional the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the judicial review and the judicial review on bail] - New South Wales Supreme Court (Australia), R. v. Badger, 2015

Online Publications - Richards, K., Renshaw, L., 2013, Bail and remand for young people in Australia: A national research project, Australian Institute of Criminology - Hatzistergos, J., 2014, Review of the Bail Act 2013, Sentencing Council (Australia) - Shrestha, P., 2015, Two Steps Back: The Presumption of Innocence and Changes to the Bail Act 2013 (NSW), Sydney Law Review [VOL 37:147 2015] - The Crown Prosecution Service (UK), Prosecution Policy and Guidance – Legal Guidance regarding Bail - Legal Aid Queensland/Queensland Government (Australia) - Magistrates’ Court of Victoria (Australia), Custody and Bail - The Law Society of Upper Canada, How to Prepare and Conduct a Bail Hearing (Canada) - Government of Canada, Justice Department - A Handbook for Police and Crown Prosecutors on Criminal Harassment, Part 4: Guidelines for Crown Prosecutors (Canada) - The Law Society of Singapore (Singapore)


Bachman, R., Schutt, R.K., 2014, The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, p. 167

Del Carmen, R.V., Walker, J.T., 2012, Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement, Waltham: Anderson Publishing, p. 226

Quinn, F., 2007, Law for Journalists, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, p. 94

Theodoru, G., 2013, Tratat de Drept procesual penal, Bucharest: Hamangiu, p. 396

Udroiu, M., 2014, Fişe de Procedură penală, Bucharest: Universul Juridic, p. 272


By Alexandra Mureșan