Value-Added Tax (VAT) (Ro.: Taxa pe valoare adaugata, Fr.: Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Alb.: Tatimi mbi vleren e shtuar, Gr.: φόρος προστιθέμενης αξίας) (See also: tax law, sales taxes, indirect taxes, consumption, intermediate sellers) = a type of indirect tax which is applied to each stage of the production and sale of goods or services on the difference between the sale price and the amount invested in obtaining the product. During these stages, the intermediate sellers are collecting the tax, remitting it to the authorities. As a consequence, the final costumer is the only one in the chain who pays effectively the full amount of the VAT.
Useful resources
Legislation - The Council of the European Union Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax [English] -Value Added Tax Act 1994, UK [English] - Code general des impots, Livre Premier, Premiere partie, Titre II, Capitre Premiere: Taxe sur la valeur ajoutee, France[French] - Umsatzsteuergesetz (Value Added Tax Act), Germany[German] - Legea nr. 571/2003 coroborată cu HG nr. 44/2004 privind Codul fiscal, Titlul VI, Romania [Romanian] - Legea nr. 227/2015 privind Codul fiscal (Noul Cod fiscal), Titlul VII - Taxa pe valoarea adaugata, Romania [Romanian]
Case Law;jsessionid=9ea7d0f130d5a91e42979b1a4fc885b7fa326798f437.e34KaxiLc3eQc40LaxqMbN4Oc3aQe0?text=&docid=128648&pageIndex=0&doclang=en&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=188411 - The European Court of Justice, Case C 234/11 TETS Haskovo AD, 2012 - The European Court of Justice, Case C-496/11 Portugal Telecom SGPS SA, 2012 - The European Court of Justice, Case C-275/11 GfBk Gesellschaft für Börsenkommunikation mbH v Finanzamt Bayreuth, 2013 - The European Court of Justice, Joint Cases C 249/12 and C 250/12 Tulica/Plavosin, 2013 - The European Court of Justice, Case C - 7/13 Skandia America Corp. (Skandia Sverige) v Skatteverket (the Swedish taxing authoritities), 2014 - The European Court of Justice, Case C-264/14 Skatteverket v David Hedqvist, 2015;jsessionid=9ea7d2dc30dd46d7a28fca034ccf8f99aa5880b32a9d.e34KaxiLc3qMb40Rch0SaxuRch90?text=&docid=165649&pageIndex=0&doclang=en&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=376700 - The European Court of Justice, Case C 183/14 Salomie and Oltean, 2015
Online Publications - Zuidgeest, R.N.F., 2011, Treatment of Outsourced Elements of Payment Transactions Under EU VAT, International VAT Monitor, March/April 2011 - Lux, Michael, Schrömbges, Ulrich, Vitkauskaite, Kristina, 2012, What a Customs Lawyer Should Know about EU Value Added Tax (VAT) Law, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volume 7, Issue 10 - Podlipnik, Jernej, 2012, Missing Trader Intra-Community and Carousel VAT Frauds – ECJ and ECtHR Case Law, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, Volume 8$File/VAT%20exemption%20of%20intra-community%20supplies%20of%20goods%20state%20of%20play%20after%20VSTR.pdf - Nathoeni, Sandhya, De Wit, Walter, 2013, VAT Exemption of Intra-community Supplies of Goods: State of Play after VSTR, EC Tax Review, 2013/2 - Khan, Azam, Shadab, Nagma, 2013, Impact of Value Added Tax (VAT) Revenue in Major States of India, Romanian Journal of Fiscal Policy, Volume 4, Issue 1(6) - Diehl, Kevin A., 2014, Practice of European Court of Justice Regarding VAT for American Companies, Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, Issue 6 - Udrescu, Daniel, 2014, Solutii noi dupa cauzele Tulica/Plavosin, - Costas, Cosmin Flavius, Vidrean-Capusan, Tudor, 2015, TVA imobiliar reinterpretat. Dezlegarea litigiilor nationale in lumina hotararii CJUE in afacerea Salomie si Oltean,
Ecker, Thomas, 2013, A VAT/GST Model Convention, Amsterdam: IBDF
Terra, Ben, Kajus, Julie, 2015, Ghidul Directivelor europene privind TVA, Bucharest: Hamangiu
Costin, Mircea N., Costin, Calin M., 2012, Dictionar de dreptul afacerilor, Bucharest: Hamangiu, p. 905
Minea, Mircea Stefan, Costas, Cosmin Flavius, 2013, Dreptul finantelor publice. Drept fiscal, Bucharest: Hamangiu, pp. 273-330