Know-how (Fr.: Savoir-faire, De.:wissen-wie)(See also: Franchise, distribution agreements) = as an essential element of the franchise contract, know-how means the totality of the documents, schemes, information, specifically knowledge that are used in order to create and promote a particular product.
In the franchise contract, the franchisor transfers its know-how to a franchise, in exchange of a fee. The information offered to the franchisee must be useful and the must be the result of the franchisor’s experience. The know-know must bring economic advantages for the franchisee and the franchisor is obliged to adapt the know-how according to the conducts of the consumers and reactions of the competitors.
Useful resources
Legislation, Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 ,Article 1, Letter i [English], Government Ordinance No.52/ 1997, Article 2, Letter c [English], Commission Regulation (EC) No 772/2004 of April 7, 2004 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of technology transfer agreements [English], Romanian Tax Code, Article 7(1), point 15 [Romanian], Commission Regulation (EEC) No 4087/88 of 30 November 1988 on the application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty to categories of franchise agreements, Article 1 1, 3, Letter f [English], Government Ordinance no.52/1997, Article 1, Letter d [Romanian]
Diaz O.B., 2008, Franchising in the European Contract Law, Munich, Sellier
Hesselink M.W., 2006, Commercial Agency, Franchise and Distribution Contracts (PEL CAFDC), Munich, Sellier [English]
Loewinger A.P., Lindsey M.K.,2006, International Franchise Sales Laws, Chicago, ABA Publishing [English]
Mocanu M., 2013, Franciză. Francizare, București, Universul Juridic [Romanian]
Mocanu M, 2008, Contractul de franciză, București, C.H.Beck [Romanian]
By Raluca-Andreea Trîncă-Găvan